Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Burro's Day of Beauty

So this morning we had an appointment with our veterinarian to clip and file the hoofs of our four burros.  Well you may laugh but this is really a hard job, as Jo Ann may enjoy a pampered day at the spa, but the burros really do not like to have this procedure done.

Geraldo, who is an outstanding veterinarian, comes out to our rancho as it really is not feasible for us to just load them up in the truck and drive to his office.

So the total procedure for the four burros takes about an hour and a half and at the end, I am exhausted.  This is hard work for an old man, but someone's got to do it.

So below is a number of other photos of our burros on their day of beauty for your enjoyment.  Oh by the way, I clearly did not take these photos as I was more than a little bit distracted.

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