Monday, July 31, 2006

It has been a bad day

Try to top this for a bad day, this morning I was head butted by a burro (and I mean the burro tried to push my nose through the back of my head), I fell of my mountain bike into a mud puddle (not a small one), spent four hours planting native shrubs and trees only to come in and have someone ask me if we had planted all 350 plants yet (we only have 43 in the ground) and then on the way in tonight I get kicked in the knee by the same burro that head butted me.

It was a good day in that we got a lot of work done around the rancho but I can leave this other stuff out of my normal day.

1 comment:

Billie Mercer said...

You are was a bad day. Do you think you have a broken nose?