The storm was gone in a little under two hours and as soon as the rain stopped the music started again and of course the ever present fireworks erupted. When we went to bed around 11p the festival was still going full speed, which was not a surprise. However, I awoke at 4:30a and guess what, I could hear the music still blasting away, in fact I would say it was louder than ever. Then at 6a the fireworks commenced again, so the festival continued through out the evening. I have not been at a festival or party like that probably since I left college.
So on Sunday morning, we decided to walk down to Puente del Carman and see the festival first hand, since we had already experienced it the prior evening. It was so great to see all the people milling around and looking so happy to be with their families.

There were children everywhere always laughing and giggling, especially at these gringos walking around with their camera. However we were having a great time experiencing the festival with our new neighbors and watching all the children.
Then we came upon this Ferris wheel called “The Titanic” where these two boys were just howling and laughing. I just love the smile on the one boy who kept watching me as I shot this image.

We had such a great time just walking though the festival and seeing people who are happy to be with family, friends and to enjoy the sense of community. I hope that we can develop this same carefree sense of happiness as this community when we are with friends and family.
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