Sunday, December 31, 2006

Horse Tales

The past week has been another hectic week, what with all of the festivals on going as well as bringing our two horses into their new home. The stables are very nice as you can see below.

Horsey Condos

After just three days both Moet and Chandon have adapted to their new location and routine extremely well. We have been riding them for several hours a day almost every day and they seem to enjoy trail riding very much. Both of these horses were previously involved in Charreada so they had lots of experience with riding in the ring, but not very much trail riding.

Here you can see Jo Ann is enjoying herself with Moet out in the compo.

Jo Ann and Moet 4

We have also had a slight change in our animal family. Our ranch hand, Tomas, has a elderly friend who broke his leg this past summer and because of osteoporosis he is not able to walk any more and needed something to be able to ride to the market. So we gave him one of our burros that we had used to ride before (Pascale) and also one other as burros, like horses and dogs, are pack animals and we did not want to have Pascale leave a lone. So this week we also said goodbye to Pascale and Panchita, but it is great to know that they are going to a place that they can really make a difference and will be loved and well cared for.

Panchita at comida

We have one other horse story that we wanted to share. Last week as we were preparing to ride our horses from where we had been stabling them, we talked with our vet who also gives riding lessons. She told us that horses have great healing and development capabilities. She once was given the challenge to try to teach two young girls whose parent's had been serious drug users. These children had terrible learning and attention disabilities, and had recently been given to their grandparents to try to raise them. They required special tutors and schooling as they could not properly interact with other children and could not grasp the lessons at the public schools. After almost a year of riding lessons, these two girls are now competing in competitions for youth horse riding. But even better because of these sessions with the horses the girls have now advanced so that they are able to go to the public schools and have a normal childhood that they can enjoy. Now that is something amazing.

So as we pass 2006 and enter 2007, Feliz Año Nuevo y espero que usted tenga un Año Nuevo próspero!


Anonymous said...

Great looking stalls - how about some details - we are building a banos and a deck right now. Would like to hear some of your building stories - maybe log into La Casa on the Forum???


Juan Calypso

Jeff said...

Hello there, my wife and I are thinking about going to San Miguel next summer for a few months. We found your blog and we'd love to hear anything you have to say about it. I can be reached at

Many Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Good words.