Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Chasing the Burros

Yesterday morning I was running late and was in a hurry but still had to move the four burros out from their pen. So I tried to handle more than one at a time but then our dogs got in the middle of the pack and guess what I only got two of them tied up. The other two, well lets just say that they started traveling around our 50 acre rancho.

I was running after them and they would just bound ahead and then stop to eat. Jo Ann was watching this and I could not tell if she was crying or laughing, probably both. After about twenty minutes of chasing them, they decided to gallop off toward the house. But guess what Jo Ann had left the gate open and they were able to run out of our property into the large (and I do mean large) ejido property that borders our property.

We were lucky that some of the masons working on our house were able to help us, but we finally corralled themand brought them back to where we wanted them to graze for the day.

Such is the daily adventures of living on a rancho in Mexico. Of course those of you who may remember me from my time living in California,will probably not believe that this is where I have evolved to, but it is great. Sorry no photos on this adventure, but I just did not have the foresight to bring my camera nor did I have the time to stop and go get it, maybe another time and place!

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